Tumble classes combine drills, conditioning and practice to clean and develop new gymnastics and tumbling skills.

  • 1 hour training per week

  • $140.00 per term

  • Split by skill to ensure every athlete is challenged

  • Athletes work through skills at their own pace, mastering each element before progressing

  • Indoor sport structured around school terms (9 weeks)

Foundation (Basic shapes, rolls, handstands & cartwheels)
Development (Limbers, walkovers, roundoffs)
Intermediate (Handsprings, tucks, aerials, connected skills)

Please note: All athletes must start in our Foundation class and may progress to Development and Intermediate tumble after an evaluation with coaches.

We offer all new athletes a free trial class to see if our programme is a good fit, if you have already attended a class and want to register, click “Register Now”